Monday, September 8, 2008

Hil's Heart

One of my best friends is currently in New York. Tomorrow morning, at 6:30 am est, she will have open heart surgery to repair her mitral valve.

I wish I could summon the wherewithal to write beautiful words about her spirit, her kindness, her genuine love of life, her generosity, her laughter, her ability to touch others . . . it won't come out right. I'm just sad & stuck thinking of how unfair it is.

I can't wait until it's over. But for her, it's never over. The surgery will be complete, but she will always have a scar over her heart reminding her that sometimes life is just plain fucking unfair.

(I'm hugging you hard from all the way over here, Hilz.)

1 comment:

magpie said...

comment from stranger:
i'm sorry your friend had to go through such trauma! i hope she's okay and on her way to recovery. I read an interesting book recently that, while not totally like your friend's case (the heart patient subject is older and male), it has some cool insights into having open-chest-cavity surgery. It's a quick read, uplifting, and has some half-decent recipes: Love in the Time of Cholesterol by Cecily Ross (at least I think that's her name...)

Anyhoo. Read or don't read. Just thought I'd pass it on.